Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Profiling by Law enforcement

I moved to Porter Texas 17 years ago. My wife and I met at work and got married. We worked for a Walmart return facility. Well we wanted to move out of the city. Mainly because of the harassment from African Americans in the Humble area. Which until that time was predominantly white. I myself look white to minorities and Hispanic to whites? Have yet to figure that one out. I am half n half, Anglo and Hispanic. My wife is Hispanic and proud of her heritage.

Well the first time we were to meet Law enforcement in Texas together, we were pulled over on FM1314 in Porter Heights. This is right outside of Porter Texas.
We were pulled over by a State Trooper. Said he was Familiarizing his self with all the new cars in the area. We probably lived in Porter for a month or two at the time. After checking our ID he ask if we had weed on us. My wife and I were in our late 30s at the time. I ask him why he thought we had weed on us. That was the wrong thing to do! He had me get out of the car which was a Chevy Camero. I did not know if the car or my wife’s ID was to blame. He was insistent we had weed on us. Threatening to call a canine unit, said it would go better if we just told him where the weed was. Well by that time he made me mad. So intern, I told him we were just coming from a 4th of July party and the host was a Harris county Deputy that let us smoke weed there. The Trooper took me for my word and searched our car, patted me down and searched my wife's purse. Then searched the car very well. The whole time getting madder and madder at himself for being so fullish or at me for messing with his profiling self. He eventually let us go on our way, saying he would be watching us? Well my wife scolded me for messing with the Trooper. We went home at that point to get off the road on a 4th of July night, all the drunks you know.

Well the next time we met Law enforcement was in Humble Texas, a short cut through there to work. We were coming home from North Houston Guns Point area, Greens Point to those unaware.
We just turned onto 1st Street off of FM1960. Another short cut, where we were pulled over for driving the speed limit which was 20 mph. The officer said no one drove the speed limit unless they were up to something. I think it was the camero  registered to a Hispanic female. He checked our ID and told us to go home. He then Stopped me before I got into the car and took me into custody  for a very old traffic violation that was suppose to be fixed by HPD. A story for another time. Well I went to the Humble Jail. While waiting to be processed, a young Deputy started referring to me as a Beaner. He kept this up right in my face asking me if I wanted to hit him. Of course I did, But I did not! My mother raised no fool. Well My wife bailed me out the next morning. We went home in Time for me to work a Part time job. Security at the Commons on FM 1060.
Well about 10:00 am that mourning guess who should ride up on a Bike Patrol
the Deputy who was calling me a beaner. I almost cracked up loudly. I ask him if he remembered me, the Beaner. His face turned white as if it could get whiter.
He said he had to patrol and left. Prior to asking him that we had talked a little. I told him about my father, who was an ex Deputy for Harris County. So hopefully he will think twice before harassing another beaner.

Then there was the time My wife had a wreck in the Camero. We were in a heavy construction area in the Woodlands area on a Farm Road. A state trooper pulled up to the scene. When he got out of the car, the way he was looking at me I knew OH HELL. I told my wife just to stay calm. The officer walked right up to me and ask if I was just smoking? I thought what the hell? We were at a wreck in a Mager Intersection and he wants to know if I was smoking? I said yes, That I had just Policed my butt. That it was in my pocket. I pulled it out and showed him. That made him angry, he in turn made me pick up all the butts off the side of the road. I told him OK I was used to it from being in the Army. He ask which branch, I told him and we were OK from there.? What the hell just happened?

I know how hard it is to be an American of Hispanic origin, can you imagine being Hungry and scared from Mexico Looking for a job and food for your family? I had to write this because of the prejudice my wife and I face in Porter everyday. My family is very bi racial. Which is apparently not a smart thing to be in Montgomery Texas Sept1 2015. And that,s another story my wife should be home soon. Bye

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